Resistance is NOT Futile: Overcoming Resistance towards Personalized Practice

client care emotional wellbeing personalized practice Jan 07, 2022

Have you ever signed up for a class or program in a moment of excitement... then not felt like doing it at all?​​​ or like you were excited at first but now it's just not working for you anymore?

​​​Resistance is one of the most common obstacles to overcome in doing your #PersonalizedPractices consistently.  ✋🏼

After so many times of trying to get better (perhaps not unsuccessful, yet not totally successful either), t​​here can be this feeling creeping in of, "why should I bother with trying one more thing?"

I’ve been there too with my own autoimmune issues, so I empathize deeply.

And this may seem overwhelming at first, or you may have some skepticism. My students (clients) have usually tried and done other things that providers told them to do, which didn’t work and cost a lot of money.

​​Understandably so, because doing your practice fundamentally requires a shift in your habits and a corresponding lifestyle change. And when you're already feeling depleted, overwhelmed, or frustrated, it could be that taking on another "thing to do" feels like way too much.

You don’t need to have perfect will-power or Olympian-level motivation to succeed; you just have to be consistent and strategic to get better.
I never shame my students for not doing their practices; I just get curious about the real reason why resistance is coming up.

It all goes back to honoring yourself and your body. 

For chronic pain and trauma survivors, learn to listen to (and trust) your body’s intuition is part of the healing. 

They can reclaim their power in developing a positive relationship to their bodies… by having control over deciding what feels good to their personalized practices. 

That’s why I emphasize teaching principles and progress over prescribing exercises.

Resistance is a sign that something (usually emotional) isn’t being addressed in doing practice; not a sign that you are broken.

Resistance is a sign that we need to dig deeper and figure out what subtleties are being overlooked or what unacknowledged truth remains unspoken. 

Resistance to doing your practice consistently is human and normal. ​​

There could also be other reasons. This is when the proverbial onion layers start to peel back, because often there is an underlying unmet need (or obstacle) that's not being address or factored into your personalized practice - either in how it's structured; or what it involves.​​

Practice is not punishment.

Practice is NOT constantly pushing / powering through circumstances, relationships, and habits that aren’t good for your body, mind, and spirit.

​Practice is a source of nourishment: the opposite force of pushing yourself until you break.

​​Practice is not one more thing to do; it's a centralizing, grounding force that you get to decide what feels good to you and how it enables you to do the things that matter in your life. 

#PersonalizedPractice is a safe space to land, catered to you, that you revisit often as a way to stay in intimate connection with your body.

It will welcome you back each time,
​it will grow with you,
​it will receive you as you are that day.

So instead of trying to push against the resistance in our bodies, let's ask it instead where we can soften against it. 

Let's see how we can work together make your Personalized Practice a positive experience, to show you that you CAN get better and that you CAN do this.

Click here to get started with a free 30-min initial consultation.​

💫 💪🏼💥 

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