Personalization makes all the difference

Aug 09, 2021

What separates The Body Intuitive from going to see a physical therapist? Or a cheap massage at a local corner parlor? Or going to see a talk therapist?

I often get this question from people and it’s often difficult to answer. It’s really hard to describe what we do because:

  1. It’s innovative and progressive
  2. It requires a detailed understanding of the strengths and limitations of all those different offerings and modalities
  3. It’s not as simple as an “apples to apples” comparison because the nature of the services are different!

It is the Personalization Process.


I invest a TON of time, effort, and money into learning a wide range of modalities, and then holistically combining them all together in order to serve the individuals’ needs

Its all based on intuition, listening, and a heart of service.

From years of programming, and from setting a clear mission + vision to prioritize client outcomes over volume of sessions, I’ve develop an ability to have a sense of knowing what someone needs.

Literally, I can look at a person and be able to design a program for them. You see patterns and have a mental representation of what needs to happen next.

It’s also not “all about exercises”. Some movements are put in a program for other reasons. Could be ego feeders, confidence builders, Joy bringers, mind f$&ks, etc.

We pride ourselves in working with the whole person in front of us.

If you look at people as just a jumble of bones and muscles, you are doing them a disservice.

I custom design each clients program, every session, and tweak it each time we meet.

Two people may end up doing the same exercise but it could be for different reasons.

Two people may come in for the same thing (i.e. “low back pain”) and end up with completely different recommendations or rehabilitative protocols.

You may be saying “That’s not so hard to describe”. And you’re right.

Everyday you see someone you are seeing a new body, treat it as such.

I’ve always believed programming is an art form. When you begin on your journey it is a skill to understand the WHY behind everything

  1. Why is she assigning me these movements?
  2. Why does my body feel this way when I move it here? Why do I encounter resistance to doing my own practices at home?
  3. Why do I feel connected and loving toward certain parts of my body, but other areas feel like a sworn enemy?

But at some point, you need to find your voice, your style, your form of expression. When you do, that’s when the art is created.

How does one market that? How do you explain that to everyday folks?

I still have yet to find the answer to that. But I do believe that if you’re good enough, and that you can truly solve someone’s chronic issues, people will not be able to ignore you.

So that’s what makes us different… Personalization is about people.

And I’m glad to be one of “your people” who you can trust to care for you!

Ultimately what I can say is… the difference is “felt” by the client during their experience.

When they go to do their everyday chores or sports they “feel” better, they feel more control, they feel more stable, they feel more agile, they feel more mobile, they feel more confidence, they feel greater self-mastery and less anxiety, etc.

All these things are just a by product of extremely tailored programming.

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