How to Vet Your Wellness Providers: 5 Qualities of an Authentic Healer

bodywork client care mobility sovsex Oct 06, 2021
Healing others is both an art and science; both a privilege and a responsibility, which takes many hours of practice and study.
Just because someone bas been through difficulties in their life, doesn’t make them a healer or provider. It makes them inspiring; but there is a validity to the need for accountability and regulation in our community.
In the last five years, I’ve had both the mis/fortune of working repairs with students who have been injured by other therapists and instructors.
I also tend to work with people struggling with complex psychosomatic imbalances who have not improved with 4-5-6 other care providers.
These students come in with a high degree of skepticism toward the health/wellness field in general, and understandably so.
Still, because this is #PersonalizedPractice for treatment to work, I need to get their buy-in as to why they should give *my* advice to spend all this time doing sometimes boring painful stuff, when nothing else has really worked for them.
it’s a tough skill but when placed in context with settings expectations and providing education, people do get it and they do get better. Learning to do it themselves is a source of empowerment vs overwhelm - and that’s part of the transformation.
While I wish it were different, oftentimes students are left to self-source and to vet their coaches and providers.
So here is my list of top 5 qualities to look for in an authentic healer to help you in your search:
  1.  πŸŒΎπŸŒž exercises control and self discipline over emotions, practice, and use of tools and resources.

    This means they are aware of personal and professional limitations in scope of practice and readily refers out; holds themselves accountable to standards of care.

  2. 🌝✨ treats all with respect, regards all with dignity, and gives from a foundation of self-care & a full cup.

    This means your healer should lead by way of example. They regularly invest in mentors & support system to guide the process of self-healing, to minimize transference onto students, and to ensure high quality of service.

  3. 🎧 prioritizes the client's needs 

    This means the healer listens deeply to the students needs, desires, thoughts, feedback, and intentions; and has an unique ability to keep the student accountable and motivated

  4. πŸ– Provides a safe environment for the therapeutic service. 

    This means your healer provides a sheltering, safe, inspiring environment for learning, including online and in-person options that are suitable for the type of service offered. Students do not have to

  5. πŸ›£ Leaves ego at the door; provides a roadmap and guiding principles for the student to become self-empowered

    The healer doesn't seek to "fix" others but instead provides guidance and roadmaps to recovery based on proven techniques (removes their ego from their students journey - makes it about the student not about their skill or image as a healer).
What would you guys add? Which is your favorite?
Please see our Client Bill of Rights to see how The Body Intuitive is living up to these five principles.

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