How High Performance Athletes are Coping with Body Trauma

breathwork personalized practice special guest interview trauma Dec 12, 2021

Trauma, by definition, its too much too quickly.

Many of us are struggling with trauma and chronic pain in our daily lives... But how do you possibly cope when it's your job to be at peak performance, and perfection is constantly expected of you?

A lot of us can relate to the sense of being totally exhausted, overwhelmed, fatigued, and coping with a lot at once... and yet still needing to show up in a big way in our everyday lives.  

When that's the case, what do you do? Give up? Live under the covers? Turn to numbing behaviors?

Or do you build resiliency and safety in the body through inner resource and #PersonalizedPractice?

Today I'm delighted to offer this insightful interview with my friend, Antonia Dolhaine, to share her inspiring story as a former Cirque du Soleil artist and performer who dealt with the demands of her job while struggling to cope with trauma.

Watch to the full-length 40-min interview to learn in-depth how:

  • Antonia's personal story inspired her work as a certified trauma coach for high performance athletes
  • How athletes (and someone like YOU) can shift their relationships in their body from "pushing" to "listening"
  • What it means to be "resourced"
  • How you can build support systems to heal from dissociative experiences and trauma in the body
  • Tips for integrating more playfulness into your personalized practices

Our hope is that you will glean something from this interview that you can integrate into your own Personalized Practices, or at least experience a shift in the way that you frame your coping strategies through embodied practices in everyday life.


Watch the video embedded above or via our Youtube Channel Here!

 Connect with Antonia here:

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