Why I Teach a Somatic-Based Approach to Holistic Sex Education

sovsex Oct 06, 2021
Sexuality, relationships, and intimacy are highly-charged and taboo topics for many of us. 

But after decades of diving deep into my own personal journey around my sexuality, sexual identity, modeling for boudoir photoshoots around the world, and talking to all different kinds of people (most of whom literally have no idea what a #sovsex coach is...), and seeing how CORE these struggles, concepts, and principles are to our lives as human beings...

I realized there's nothing to be afraid of - the desire and need for holistic sex education is universal.

Our sexuality connects us with the truth of who we are,
Deep inside of us.
Your unique sexual expression and embodiment is waiting to be discovered.
Your deepest yearnings are calling you,
Beckoning forth your presence,
your attention, your conscious cultivation.

That is exactly what this newsletter, this community, and these teachings are for.

Stepping into your sexual power, reclaiming your sexuality as a sovereign being, is not always an easy or glamorous process... but it is so worth it.

It is a highly spiritual and highly valuable process.
Any amount of work you dedicate toward this area of your life...
will ripple out into other areas.
When you reclaim the potent power of your sexual energy, you learn how to speak your truth, enforce healthy boundaries, live a life of purpose, and create deeper intimate connections.
We are rewriting the traditional definition of sexuality as something that is dirty, shameful, and wrong... into something positive, conscious, and growth-oriented.
We're building a safe space for learning and play, together.
A space where men can feel vulnerability without judgment. Where women can embody sexuality without judgment. And where nonbinary people to feel seen without judgment.
We are brave pioneers and explorers facing oppressive and systemic socio-cultural paradigms. A conscious community of "don’t yuck my yum" and "consent is cool."
We're not afraid to tell the truth, to take ownership of our mistakes, or to ask for what we want. It's humbling to be part of this movement with you.

And so I cordially invite you to join me on this journey,

of exploration, 
of challenge, 
of commitment to DOING THE INNER WORK,
of alignment with your highest values,
of studying the principles of sovereign sexuality,

So that you may experience the most DEEPLY INTIMATE and LOVING relationships which truly feed, nurture, and water your soul.

May this exploration and this community bring you many insights, wisdoms, blessings, and a feeling of SUPPORT.

If you are here, it is for a great reason.
Always start with your WHY, decide on an intention, and surrender the rest.

Trust the process.
And know that you are never, never alone.

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