What does it mean to feel FREEDOM in your movement and your sexuality?

Aug 09, 2021

If you’re like most of my students, you may be working through (or becoming aware of, or overwhelmed by) a complex, interwoven layering of shame around your sexuality and desires, yearnings, and tendencies.

A lot of people are constantly “in their heads” and have a difficult time slowing their pace of thoughts, and getting to a place of surrender, openness, and trust in their sexual and intimate relationships.

However, surrender (which is truly just an acceptance of our own and of other’s vulnerability when faced with a larger force such as romantic love) can come with a lot of emotional-loaded connotations for someone who has been traumatized, is recovering from heartbreak, encountered betrayal, etc.

Surrender means that we are not in control, but we retain our autonomy to choose how we respond in the present moment.

This is not a passive principle. This is an active principle, which is dynamic, fluid, adaptable, and responsive to circumstances: just like your movement practice.

If you listened to my first interview with Brandon Chien in September, you remember that we talked about the close relationship between fitness and sexuality

Particularly, we discussed how connecting more deeply with your own body, its sensations, and welcoming in those sensations as messengers, can propel you forward in your journey of embodiment.

Your inner sensations are divine messengers, guiding you closer into connection with yourself.

During times when the emotional load or burden seems to great to carry, our body “stores” the trauma until we are available to hold the space to process the emotional energy.

Emotions are energy in motion.

Once we get that energy moving, the relationship we have to our sexuality, the grip we have on attachments which no longer serve, the stories and narratives we play into unconsciously, the limitations that we place on ourselves (or have picked up from the overculture)…

… all start to loosen their grip on defining your sexuality and your relationship to yourself as a sexual being.

Through listening deeply to yourself, you will be guided to create a “home” within yourself, that regardless of whatever is going on within your personal relationships (whether intimate or not), you have a place you can come back to, feel spacious, recenter, get grounded, and be nurtured.

That’s why our relationship with movement is so important to our relationship with sexuality: Our bodies can teach us so much about our boundaries, our sacred needs, and our desires.

These are the core elements of sovereign sexuality

And through our personal practices, we want to find a way to honor each of those elements, and integrate them into our daily lives with integrity and alignment.

In Sovereign Sexuality, we want to approach this aspect of Self with dignity, with respect and reverence, with playfulness and curiosity, with intelligence and humor, with love and compassion.

There is no force in freedom.

There is no limit to what your essential sexual self can create.

That’s why I wanted to share my discussion with my friend Jess Mather, who is a strength and sexuality coach for people struggling with severe chronic pain.

She’s someone who regularly helps people remove limitations in their life

We discuss all things sexuality, movement, boundaries, body awareness, and more

You can check out our video about finding freedom in your movement and sexuality here.

May this newsletter serve, nourish, and support you in your journey of sacred sexuality.

Interested in working 1 x 1 for sovereign sexuality coaching with Missy ?

If you feel ready to release shame, invite intimacy, and deepen your connection to yourself, your body, and to others….

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