What Does Fitness Have in Common With Sexuality?

Aug 09, 2021

Today I'm featuring a SovSex interview with my friend Brandon Chien.

He is someone who I admire greatly.

Brandon is an Olympic weightlifting coach, fitness expert, and... sexuality geek just like me.

That's right... We both coach, study, and explore fitness and sexuality. So naturally, we hit it off when we met through mutual friends in San Francisco.

And I was so thrilled when he asked to interview me about sovereign sexuality, my teachings, and my work in healing sexual imbalances in men.

Originally, Brandon was supposed to interview me for 20-30 minutes. But, as things go over at The Body Intuitive, we connected so much that we ended up talking for about an hour!

What is Sovereign Sexuality?

In the first part of this interview (minutes 0 - 11), Brandon gives me the floorspace to introduce myself, my work, and the foundations of sovereign sexuality.

Listen to the first part of the interview to learn:

- The journey of how I came to specialize in working with men (~2:00)

- The BIGGEST and MOST COMMON obstacles the men I work with for BOTH their fitness and sexuality

- How men process (and cope) with trauma differently with women

- What is the FIRST core principles of sovereign sexuality?

- The first core practice I teach to my new sovereign sexuality students (~11:00)

- How men can leverage their physicality to gain confidence

Treatment for Sovereign Sexuality: It's all about healthy boundaries

In the second part of the interview (minutes 12 - 33) Brandon questions Missy about what a sovereign sexuality coaching session looks like, what modalities are used, how are they effective, and the relationship of sexuality to fitness and physical health.

Listen to this section of the interview to discover:

- My somatic-based, holistic, integrative approach to treating sexual imbalances, physical pain, and emotional stress (~14:30)

- How to bypass the thinking mind with bodywork and work directly with the nervous system (~15:15)

- What happens when sexual energy comes up during therapy sessions (~20:00)

- The genderization of touch, desires, needs, and emotional release

- The correlation between purpose, driven, and healthy masculinity

- Why FEELINGS are ESSENTIAL for therapeutic healing (~25:00)

- The relationship between boundaries, needs, and desires (~29:00)

- Why crossing self-care boundaries in the gym is a microcosm of violating healthy boundaries and toxic expressions of masculine "strength"

Listen to this section of the interview to discover:

In the third and final part of the interview (minutes 37 - 61), Brandon and I get into some fun territory in discussing:

- The multidimensionality of intimacy and the deepest level of intimacy (~37:00)

- Allowing space for male erotic nature and desires to arise (~40:00)

- Exploring kinks, fetishes, desires, sexuality orientation, and identity (~42:00)

- How owning your desires deepens your connection to yourself (~45:00)

- How taking responsibility, enforcing healthy boundaries, and doing self-work brings huge benefits to both your fitness and your sexuality (~48:00)

- Powerplay dynamics, dominance, and submission (~51:00)

- Powerplay dynamics, dominance, and submission (~51:00)

- How the principles of sovereign sexuality can help you with conscious uncoupling (~57:00)

Curious to Dive Deeper?

My intention in providing this educational content is to bring you many insights, wisdom, blessings, and a feeling of SUPPORT. So that you may experience the most DEEPLY INTIMATE and LOVING relationships which truly feed, nurture, and water your soul.

In order to get to that point, we need to make the information tangible and internalize it - not just passively listen.

So I'm offering a small "do your homework" assignment:

If you're listening to the interview and it resonates with you, could you please take a snap and post it on your Instagram stories? And please share the ONE (or few) BIGGEST TAKEAWAYS you got from listening to this interview!

Be sure to tag me @thebodyintuitive and Brandon @brandon_chien so we can reply and comment back with you!!!

If you do, I will repost your story to my account!

Interested in working 1 x 1 for sovereign sexuality coaching with Missy ?

If you feel ready to release shame, invite intimacy, and deepen your connection to yourself, your body, and to others....

If you don't want to spend large amounts of time wading through blogs or subscribing/unsubscribing from free opt-ins that don't get to the heart of your feelings of loneliness, disconnection, or frustration...

Then book your consultation now and let's start the conversation together! REQUEST INITIAL CONSULT


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